Monday, March 24, 2014

Color Overload

Whenever it comes time to actually decide on what colors I am going to use on a project, I suddenly become very indecisive. I usually have a general idea of what I want, but to make a final decision is always hard for me. There are so many beautiful colors. And among all those beautiful colors, there are so many different tints and shades. And then there are those with a sort of grain pattern to the color or those that are solid. They also vary being anywhere from opaque to completely transparent.

...As you can see, it is not necessarily an easy decision.

A decision must be made, however. So I made one after lots of deliberation and after the wonderful glass store owner pulled out almost every piece of glass she had and we both discussed the qualities and/or defects of each. Here they are:

I apologize again for my awful camera. 

As you can see, I have decided to go for an Autumn look. We will see how it turns out in the end.

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