At this stage, all of the pieces have been cut, ground and foiled.
Now I am ready to solder the individual panels.
Here I have already soldered the panels and am preparing to stand the shade up so that I can solder it into the shape of the lamp shade.
When I made my first panel lamp this part of the process sounded really easy. You just tape the panels together and then pull up in the middle and it will come up into the shape. However, it was nowhere near that simple. I tried and tried and could not get it to cooperate. In fact, I thought about giving up a couple times. I persisted though, and eventually succeeded. So this time I prepared myself. I was ready to take a frustratingly long time. However....
And on the first try!
I must admit, I was pretty proud of myself.
I am almost done now. I just have to solder the rest of it and then I will be done! And on to the next project!